Hi all I know i has been a little while since I have posted. Lisa and I survived another Amazon peak. I include Lisa in that since she does not get to see me so much. The items that seemed to go out big was Hana Montana stuff, Elmo talking doll, Chou Chou Bottle feeding baby and a whole bunch of Rock band and Guitar Hero/Rock band Items, oh and I fogot the thousabds of Wiivfits we shippde out also. I did my usual great job as ambassador and grew to appreciate all the different people I worked with.
I also enjoyed getting to see how much the nephews and Niece have grown. I will try to keep up on the blogs so I can continue to see their growth. Lisa and I are looking forward to hopefully seeing some of the other neices and nephews in the coming year.
At work I had won some tickets to a movie called, "Seven Pounds." I am greatful to have won the tickets It gave Lisa and I something to do and hey I will never say no to a free movie. After saying all this the movie was depressing. It had some good parts but was weighed downby the begining which gives away the ending also. It is a man trying to make up for something he did which is a positive message. The problem is the way he goes about making up for that mistake. Not sure if anyone is going to see it but if not e-mail me at bdobkins@yahoo.com and I will fill you in a little more. It kept me watching which If I had to grade the move it would be 3 out of five stars. I can't wait to take Lisa to go see The day the Earth stood Still though. We will do that with the tickets we got from Scott and his family. Thanks Scott & Family. Till next time we love you all.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Amazon Christmas Peak.
Well it is that time of year for me.last week I worked about 54 hours this week is 48 and next two weeks will be 60 hours. Early last month we were not even sure what things were going to look like since the economy is not so good. I even saw a plan from one of the big chiefs that showed us only working 40 hour weeks through till the week of Christmas. Then about two weeks ago that all changed. They offered voluntery overtime the week of Thanksgiving so I took it. I also worked thanksgiving so that turned into double overtime. On top of that we are working 12 hour days. Though I start a little early becasue I have to do Truck Audits so I work 12.5 hours, did I also mention that on Wednsdays and Thrusdays I go from work to Church becuase I need to help with Tithing Settlement.
During the course of the day I am called on to help train people on various functions. It can be anything from Printing out packing slips to Packing the boxes to picking, just to name a few functions. I had one day were I was trying to train 20 people on 4 different pack lines. I got them up and running though.
After all is said and done with the amount of people we have there it is like organized chaos. I love it. I love the interaction I have with all the temps that come in. I also like that even the big wigs sometimes look to me for advice. I also will admit I look forward to post peak when things slow down for a little bit. Hope everyone has a merry Merry Christmas
During the course of the day I am called on to help train people on various functions. It can be anything from Printing out packing slips to Packing the boxes to picking, just to name a few functions. I had one day were I was trying to train 20 people on 4 different pack lines. I got them up and running though.
After all is said and done with the amount of people we have there it is like organized chaos. I love it. I love the interaction I have with all the temps that come in. I also like that even the big wigs sometimes look to me for advice. I also will admit I look forward to post peak when things slow down for a little bit. Hope everyone has a merry Merry Christmas
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A test
Hi everyone. I was looking at another blog and they had a link to this civis test. It is only 33 questions but it would be interesting to see how people do on it. Would love to know. I scored an 84% on it. Here is the Link: http://www.americancivicliteracy.org/resources/quiz.aspx. Please let me know how you did.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Yes we are still alive
Well It has been a long time since we have posted to this blog. Though Lets face it, Lisa and I live pretty dull lives. We work, we go to work out and occasionally will drive somewhere but nothing exiting, just a drive up to Virginia City.
As far as weight loss goes Lisa is Doing great. She went from a high if 145 lbs to a low right now of 123 lbs. Great Job Lisa! Work has been going good for her. She was getting nervous for a while because she was only working for about 12 hours a week but she is back to her 20 hour weeks so she is happy. Lisa has also been released from Nursery. It will be interesting to see what her next calling will be. She has been in Nursery in one ward or another for 12 years. I guess Relief Society has a calling for her but not sure what it is since they have not extended it to her yet.
I have pretty much reached a point where I am happy about where I am. I may or may not reach below 155 lbs but I have been maintaining a weight from about 160 - 165 so I am very happy. I can wear a size 34 pants. I do go to the Gym about 4 to five times a week. I can do 5 pull ups and about 3 reverse pull ups. My record on the treadmill last week was 31 minutes and 30 seconds. and I do a lot of weights. Though I do need to focus a little more on ab exercises but hey I have come a long way.
As far as work goes out the economy is starting to catch up to it. I have been working anywhere from 20 to 30 hours. Things have changed so much that we are staying in the same building and not upgrading to a larger building. They did not decide to do a night shift here so I will not be the Night Shift training manager and it has reached a point they are not even going to do like last year and run a shift to 10 pm. The plus side of all of this is Lisa and I payed the car off so no debts and even our Rent has gone down. It dropped 10 dollars. It was a complete shock to me.
Well that is our life.
As far as weight loss goes Lisa is Doing great. She went from a high if 145 lbs to a low right now of 123 lbs. Great Job Lisa! Work has been going good for her. She was getting nervous for a while because she was only working for about 12 hours a week but she is back to her 20 hour weeks so she is happy. Lisa has also been released from Nursery. It will be interesting to see what her next calling will be. She has been in Nursery in one ward or another for 12 years. I guess Relief Society has a calling for her but not sure what it is since they have not extended it to her yet.
I have pretty much reached a point where I am happy about where I am. I may or may not reach below 155 lbs but I have been maintaining a weight from about 160 - 165 so I am very happy. I can wear a size 34 pants. I do go to the Gym about 4 to five times a week. I can do 5 pull ups and about 3 reverse pull ups. My record on the treadmill last week was 31 minutes and 30 seconds. and I do a lot of weights. Though I do need to focus a little more on ab exercises but hey I have come a long way.
As far as work goes out the economy is starting to catch up to it. I have been working anywhere from 20 to 30 hours. Things have changed so much that we are staying in the same building and not upgrading to a larger building. They did not decide to do a night shift here so I will not be the Night Shift training manager and it has reached a point they are not even going to do like last year and run a shift to 10 pm. The plus side of all of this is Lisa and I payed the car off so no debts and even our Rent has gone down. It dropped 10 dollars. It was a complete shock to me.
Well that is our life.
Friday, October 10, 2008
First Snow
AS I was writting the blog below this I looked out side and today is the first official snow day. It is even starting to stick to the trees. All I ask is that the roads to work in the morning are snow and Ice free.
The other day between sessions of General Conference I had gone out and sat on the bench at the in-laws house. The sun was shining and at that time there was no wind so it felt real good just to sit there and think about what I had heard. I was also thinking about my parents. I know I never really gave them as much credit as I could have. The thing I was thinking about was how they helped shape my faith. I was not raised in the church, at least not the first 13 years of my life, but I would like to share two things that my parents did that got me to that point.
I wanted to start with my dad. He, like my mom, was not super religious. He became catholic because of something he had witnessed in WWII. He was in the middle of a battle and there was the priest running around, with bullets flying every where, administering last rites and comfort where he could. Through all this he never got a scratch. To my dad that was incredible to see. It was that experience and a few other things that dad shared with me. He gave me a personal testimony that he knew God was out there. I was young and it was before I knew about the church but dad at least tried to give me a sense that there is a God.
My mom also tried to instill in me her belief that there was a God and Jesus Christ was real. Some times she would alternate regular stories with stories from the bible, the standards like Noah, Moses Joseph, just to name a few. In the little town of Washington where I spent most of my formative years my mom started a Sunday School for us kids. There was probably about 7 of us but she made sure we each had a Bible, it was the good news bible if I remember right. And we would sing a hymn and then "read" or talk about a story in the bible. Since we were all kids (ages between 7 - 12) we would do art activities afterwards to show what we had learned. We also had to memorize certain passages from the bible, my moms answer to 12 articles of faith memorization. It was not to many the two that stand out was the Lords prayer and the Psalm that begins, "the Lord is my Shepard I shall not want...". Plus the ten commandments.
Between the two of them they at least instilled in my a sense that there was a God. Even when there was not a Church around. I would sometimes of my own free will read from the bible. I always liked the stories about the prophets. I was also blessed that when I did come to know the church and wanted to join they were supportive of me. Thanks Mom and Dad
I wanted to start with my dad. He, like my mom, was not super religious. He became catholic because of something he had witnessed in WWII. He was in the middle of a battle and there was the priest running around, with bullets flying every where, administering last rites and comfort where he could. Through all this he never got a scratch. To my dad that was incredible to see. It was that experience and a few other things that dad shared with me. He gave me a personal testimony that he knew God was out there. I was young and it was before I knew about the church but dad at least tried to give me a sense that there is a God.
My mom also tried to instill in me her belief that there was a God and Jesus Christ was real. Some times she would alternate regular stories with stories from the bible, the standards like Noah, Moses Joseph, just to name a few. In the little town of Washington where I spent most of my formative years my mom started a Sunday School for us kids. There was probably about 7 of us but she made sure we each had a Bible, it was the good news bible if I remember right. And we would sing a hymn and then "read" or talk about a story in the bible. Since we were all kids (ages between 7 - 12) we would do art activities afterwards to show what we had learned. We also had to memorize certain passages from the bible, my moms answer to 12 articles of faith memorization. It was not to many the two that stand out was the Lords prayer and the Psalm that begins, "the Lord is my Shepard I shall not want...". Plus the ten commandments.
Between the two of them they at least instilled in my a sense that there was a God. Even when there was not a Church around. I would sometimes of my own free will read from the bible. I always liked the stories about the prophets. I was also blessed that when I did come to know the church and wanted to join they were supportive of me. Thanks Mom and Dad
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Test Results
Hi everyone and welcome to my humble little hovel. Well in the past two weeks I have gone through three medical tests. They were not bad tests 2 were easy the third easy except for the prep work the day before.
Well let me get the first test out of the way. That was the one I did this morning. The colonoscopy went great no signs of trouble and doc said to jsut come back in five years for another. YEA!
The second and third test were done last tuesday. The First test was the eckocardiogram. The news on that was there was no issues in fact nothing has changed in the two years since I had my last one so I guess I get taht one in another 2 years. Another, "YEA!"
Thje third test took a little longer. It was right after the echo. They hooked my up with five monitering patches with wired and I had to wear for 24 hours a Holter (or portable EKG machine. It is not the most comfortable thing to wear but oh well I managed to live with it. I did my normal routine around the house and going to work out. Was afraid that when I was sweating the patches would fall off but the held on real good. I guess it is some kind of sticky stuff that is just a step below superglue becuase I was able to remove it from myself with little or no pain a all. The results from this test were there have been changes since two years ago. I guess my heart is slowing down with age. befoer we I had these tests my Cardio Doc was talking about me maybe switching to one year apart visits but when the relutls for the second test came back she decided 6 months would be a better idea. I guess compared tot he one I took two years ago there was enough of a difference to warrent this action. To give you an idea the normal resting heart rate for most people is between 55 and 60. Well I guess mine averaged about 42 and there have been a few times it dipped below 40. When I was doing the Echo it dropped to 39 twice and this morning at my other test they clocked a 38 at one point.
There is good news from this. I do not feignt or get dizzy spells so that is good news. I know I do get tired. You all have seen how quick I can dose anytime anywhere. but somewhere down the line I will need a pace maker. It is no longer a metter of if, but when.
Lisa is Happy she is back to working her 20 hors per week and today she started her new time change which is 12 pm to 4 pm. She likes that better. Enjoy
Well let me get the first test out of the way. That was the one I did this morning. The colonoscopy went great no signs of trouble and doc said to jsut come back in five years for another. YEA!
The second and third test were done last tuesday. The First test was the eckocardiogram. The news on that was there was no issues in fact nothing has changed in the two years since I had my last one so I guess I get taht one in another 2 years. Another, "YEA!"
Thje third test took a little longer. It was right after the echo. They hooked my up with five monitering patches with wired and I had to wear for 24 hours a Holter (or portable EKG machine. It is not the most comfortable thing to wear but oh well I managed to live with it. I did my normal routine around the house and going to work out. Was afraid that when I was sweating the patches would fall off but the held on real good. I guess it is some kind of sticky stuff that is just a step below superglue becuase I was able to remove it from myself with little or no pain a all. The results from this test were there have been changes since two years ago. I guess my heart is slowing down with age. befoer we I had these tests my Cardio Doc was talking about me maybe switching to one year apart visits but when the relutls for the second test came back she decided 6 months would be a better idea. I guess compared tot he one I took two years ago there was enough of a difference to warrent this action. To give you an idea the normal resting heart rate for most people is between 55 and 60. Well I guess mine averaged about 42 and there have been a few times it dipped below 40. When I was doing the Echo it dropped to 39 twice and this morning at my other test they clocked a 38 at one point.
There is good news from this. I do not feignt or get dizzy spells so that is good news. I know I do get tired. You all have seen how quick I can dose anytime anywhere. but somewhere down the line I will need a pace maker. It is no longer a metter of if, but when.
Lisa is Happy she is back to working her 20 hors per week and today she started her new time change which is 12 pm to 4 pm. She likes that better. Enjoy
Friday, September 12, 2008
How small the world really is.
Today was fun at work. I was doing my Ambassador duties with training. I had six people I was working with. One of the persons I trained was from an Island in Micronesia called Yap, google the Island if you are curious. Now we already have one person at work who is from there and that is a guy named Lawrence. I guess he let his friend Thomas know that Amazon was looking for temp employees. But the amazing thing is that Thomas is the third person I have met from the Island of Yap. The second was Lawrence and the First was a guy named John who worked at Amazon about 4 years ago. Lawrence kind of knows him but not too well.
I think I already mentioned some of the other people I have met at work from various corners of the globe. Places like El Salvador, Lithuania, Russia, Romania just to name a few. My best friend Eusabio is one of the ones from El Salvador. We have worked together for 4 years at least. Well one of his brothers came in and Eusabio introduced me to him. Well because I know a few phrases and can put a few sentences together I introduced myself in Spanish and was his ambassador also so the other day Edwardo asked me if I was from South America somewhere. He said I did not have the usual American Spanish accent. I laugh because I have been pegged as being from Mexico based on the accent I can put on my Spanish when I can speak a full sentence or two by a gal who was from Guatemala. I will never consider myself fluent but I guess I do well enough.
I think I already mentioned some of the other people I have met at work from various corners of the globe. Places like El Salvador, Lithuania, Russia, Romania just to name a few. My best friend Eusabio is one of the ones from El Salvador. We have worked together for 4 years at least. Well one of his brothers came in and Eusabio introduced me to him. Well because I know a few phrases and can put a few sentences together I introduced myself in Spanish and was his ambassador also so the other day Edwardo asked me if I was from South America somewhere. He said I did not have the usual American Spanish accent. I laugh because I have been pegged as being from Mexico based on the accent I can put on my Spanish when I can speak a full sentence or two by a gal who was from Guatemala. I will never consider myself fluent but I guess I do well enough.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Current News
Hi all. Lisa and I continue to be well. I know this is a bit quick to post but hey I have two items of news to post.
The first news is I had my first interview for the position of Ambassador/Trainer. I call it my first because it was for Ambassador since it is tradition that I do this for the lucky few who get me to teach them how to do various things in the warehouse and survive the Christmas peak. The fun part was It was not just my Manager doing the interview for it. The three people who will be interviewing me for the Trainer position were also there. In did my usual routine where I said OK here are the questions I know you will ask and here are the answers. Big Jim laughed, the two that will be part of the next interview looked amazed and so was Kristy, my department manager. New I was ambassador before I stepped into the interview. I also have the same feeling about the Trainer position. It will be for night shift but Lisa and I are ready.
The second bit of news is the fact that I, Brian Dobkins, am down to a size 34!!! I had to really rack my brain to think when the last time I was wearing a 34 waist and It had to have been back when I was a freshman or Sophomore in High School. Just to make sure I did try several different 34's from different brands and everyone of them fit comfortable. Well that is it have a good one.
The first news is I had my first interview for the position of Ambassador/Trainer. I call it my first because it was for Ambassador since it is tradition that I do this for the lucky few who get me to teach them how to do various things in the warehouse and survive the Christmas peak. The fun part was It was not just my Manager doing the interview for it. The three people who will be interviewing me for the Trainer position were also there. In did my usual routine where I said OK here are the questions I know you will ask and here are the answers. Big Jim laughed, the two that will be part of the next interview looked amazed and so was Kristy, my department manager. New I was ambassador before I stepped into the interview. I also have the same feeling about the Trainer position. It will be for night shift but Lisa and I are ready.
The second bit of news is the fact that I, Brian Dobkins, am down to a size 34!!! I had to really rack my brain to think when the last time I was wearing a 34 waist and It had to have been back when I was a freshman or Sophomore in High School. Just to make sure I did try several different 34's from different brands and everyone of them fit comfortable. Well that is it have a good one.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lisa's Test
Yesterday I took Lisa over to her Doctors office so she could get a test done. It was to see how her triglycerides were. The last time she had gone tot he doctor she had lost enough weight the her doctor wanted to see how she would do off of her medicine.
Well it worked. Lisa had a blood test yesterday and got her call back today telling her she was doing fine off the medicine her tri's were back to normal. Great Job Lisa. She is also down to 128 lbs so that is good. I am down to 159. This morning I maanged to do 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. My goal is 3 miles in 30 or less so just need to keep working at it.
Well it worked. Lisa had a blood test yesterday and got her call back today telling her she was doing fine off the medicine her tri's were back to normal. Great Job Lisa. She is also down to 128 lbs so that is good. I am down to 159. This morning I maanged to do 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. My goal is 3 miles in 30 or less so just need to keep working at it.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Yesterday was my 41st birthday. Had taken the day off from work. Woke up too early but when you consider I usually wake up at 4-4:30 I guess I slept in when I woke up at 6. For my birthday I did get a book from Lisa. Last month mom got me some new clothes. I also ordered a few books from Amazon.
Once I got moving I did go to work out. Did a mile in 10 minutes and 15 seconds. so close to my goal of a mile in under 10. I also managed one pull up and five half pull ups. Felt good to be able to do that.
When I finished that I went up to the house and sat in the hot tub. After the hot tub I came home and cleaned up. I ended up going to Deseret Books because I needed an oil vial. On the way home from that I swung by Supercuts because I had the itch to get my head shaved but when I saw it would cost $15 I thought no way that is too much for what I wanted done. So I came home and did it myself. Yes I shaved my head! Lisa was neutral about it. She figured it was up to me.
In the evening Lisa and I met up with Dad at IHOP. Dad had apple Crisp pancakes Lisa had popcorn shrimp and I had a BLT.
In the weight loss news I am down to 159 lbs! YEA!!! That was my birthday.
Once I got moving I did go to work out. Did a mile in 10 minutes and 15 seconds. so close to my goal of a mile in under 10. I also managed one pull up and five half pull ups. Felt good to be able to do that.
When I finished that I went up to the house and sat in the hot tub. After the hot tub I came home and cleaned up. I ended up going to Deseret Books because I needed an oil vial. On the way home from that I swung by Supercuts because I had the itch to get my head shaved but when I saw it would cost $15 I thought no way that is too much for what I wanted done. So I came home and did it myself. Yes I shaved my head! Lisa was neutral about it. She figured it was up to me.
In the evening Lisa and I met up with Dad at IHOP. Dad had apple Crisp pancakes Lisa had popcorn shrimp and I had a BLT.
In the weight loss news I am down to 159 lbs! YEA!!! That was my birthday.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hi all I know we have not posted in a while. Lisa and I had a wonderful vacation at Tahoe. It was great to spend a little time with family and getting to play with the niece and nephews. Lisa enjoyed some time catching crawdads (spelling?). Me it was fun to go out on the kayak and cruise the lake for a while. Then when we were together we loved spending time in the pool. It was fun to watch Hunter spalshing water and one day Ansel even had the courage to jump to Uncle Brian in the pool. Overall it was a wonderful time. Sorry we did not post the photos.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Clothes sizes
Well today was kind of a fun day. Lisa and I went with mom to do a little clothes shopping. It was moms birthday present to me since I have been working hard and dropping the pounds. It was such a cool feeling. I know I had lost a lot of weight, and Lisa has been doing good too she has lost 12 pounds. Well we found some good deals on shirts (THANKS MOM!!!) I even fit into a medium. Let me repeat that. IT WAS A MEDIUM!!! If you had asked me even back in march and April when I started the program if I would go down enough to fit in a medium I would have said I was happy if I could get into a large. I also picked up a new pair of church pants that were a 36 and a new dress shirt that was a 16 1/2. It was just a cool cool deal. Even when I was trying on some of the things at Moms I was amazed to look in a full length mirror and going, WOW! I just need to lose about 20-25 more lbs and I am gold.
I also remember a post that Cindy did that had her talking about getting the Cloth grocery bags in stead of using the Plastic or Paper. Well this morning Lisa and I were food shopping and decided to get three. They are bigger then I though they would be and held a lot. Plus when you shop using those bags they give you a discount. Also since it is just Lisa and I we do not need too many bags so it all works out. Any ways that is the news for the week.
I also remember a post that Cindy did that had her talking about getting the Cloth grocery bags in stead of using the Plastic or Paper. Well this morning Lisa and I were food shopping and decided to get three. They are bigger then I though they would be and held a lot. Plus when you shop using those bags they give you a discount. Also since it is just Lisa and I we do not need too many bags so it all works out. Any ways that is the news for the week.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Great News
Let me start this post with a few comments. The first one is. I love Lisa and I am grateful that she is back. She had a great time visiting with the kids and just had an overall wonderful experience. I am grateful the Lord has blessed me with such a wonderful companion to share eternity with. I am also grateful for the Lords infinite mercy towards me. I have had so many wonderful blessings lately. I have already mentioned one. I have had many small miracles in my life.
With that in mind let me share with you a little news. Back in May I had submitted an idea for being a shadow to Linda, who is the learning manager for our warehouse. I did learn that the idea had been rejected, at that time. Well Big Jim revisited the idea because with Amazon's Christmas peak right around the corner, The receiving and stowing departments starts in September and a high projection for number of units shipped out. I Will become Linda's shadow for a little and then I am going to become the Learning Manager for the Night Shift. All of the particulars have yet to be worked out but Linda and Big Jim are on board with it so that is all that maters.
As a littel side note I am now down to 166 lbs!!!
With that in mind let me share with you a little news. Back in May I had submitted an idea for being a shadow to Linda, who is the learning manager for our warehouse. I did learn that the idea had been rejected, at that time. Well Big Jim revisited the idea because with Amazon's Christmas peak right around the corner, The receiving and stowing departments starts in September and a high projection for number of units shipped out. I Will become Linda's shadow for a little and then I am going to become the Learning Manager for the Night Shift. All of the particulars have yet to be worked out but Linda and Big Jim are on board with it so that is all that maters.
As a littel side note I am now down to 166 lbs!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Doctors Visit
Well just got back from doctors visit. Dr johnson was very happy about my progress. I have lost a total of 40lbs!!! I am at a 28% BMI and he is very happy. I was put up on his weight loss board. I am in 3rd place for most weight lost. On the other side of the coin I failed a test and will need to go get a colonoscopy, YEA (in a very sarcastic tone).but hopefully nothing serious.
Today I went to the gym feeling reved up after the docs congratulations and did a mile in 11 minutes 15 seconds!!! And if my wife sees this before she gets home I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU! I at least will have one surprise when she gets home. Was going to shave my hair off but In resisted. What is it with me and wanting to shave my hair? Is it becuase I am loosing weight and trying to remake myslef in a newer image? Oh well I will leave that to the philosiphers and head shrinks to figure out. B OUT.
Today I went to the gym feeling reved up after the docs congratulations and did a mile in 11 minutes 15 seconds!!! And if my wife sees this before she gets home I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU! I at least will have one surprise when she gets home. Was going to shave my hair off but In resisted. What is it with me and wanting to shave my hair? Is it becuase I am loosing weight and trying to remake myslef in a newer image? Oh well I will leave that to the philosiphers and head shrinks to figure out. B OUT.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weight Loss Program

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Brian 2.0

The first picture is from a trip we had taken to Park City Utah. It represents pretty much my weight for the past year. I had gone to the Doctors office in March 11th and at the time I weighed 213 lbs. I am sure I was in that neighborhood when I was in Park City.
While I was at the Doctors office I was told about a "program" that could help me lose weight. I admit I was a little sceptical. At the time I had been in the doctor for pain in my knee and foot which was getting to be a little too common for me. I was coming home from work very tired and limping along. At that point I was willing to give it a try. It is a program put out by Isagenix, you can google it if you are curious, that was based on nutritional cleansing. It also involved not eating
any of the Junk I use to eat and putting a little more fruits veggies and other more healthy snack choices. Lisa and I also joind a gym. We go about at least 3 times a week if not more.

The result is since March 11, 2008 I have gone from
213 lbs to 170 lbs. I ahve also gone from wearing a size 42 pants to almost getting into a 36. I have about 2 weeks left and could get to my goal of 165. At that point I want to do everything I can to maintain that weight.

The first picture shows me in my 42 inch wasit pants, The second picture shows the amount of weight I have taken off and the last one is me in a size 38, even these are loose on me. In my picture folder I have this titled, "my new look".
Everyone has noticed how much thinner I look and I have been a lot more energized. So enjoy the look. I was going to wait to show off the new look but I just could not wait.
Monday, June 2, 2008
News of the day
Well last week I found out that my proposal was denied. Oh well will try again later since we are growing in our little warehouse. Went to the dentist for my cleaning and I had two wisdom teeth that were never removed. Well they were impacted so they said I needed to have them yanked. Not fun but it was quick and mostly painless. Starting to be sore now but not too bad. Going to lose a pound or two since no solid for 24 hours only liquids. I guess for me that is not a bad thing though.
Lisa ahd a good time going clothes shopping with mom. It was part of Lisa's Birthday present. Mom also helped Lisa clean her closet out and all I can say is, "WOW!" It looks good. Thanks mom for helping Lisa with that.
Lisa ahd a good time going clothes shopping with mom. It was part of Lisa's Birthday present. Mom also helped Lisa clean her closet out and all I can say is, "WOW!" It looks good. Thanks mom for helping Lisa with that.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Work Proposal
Well for those that read this blog I would like to request your prayers. I submitted a proposal to become an assistant trainer in the learning department at work. An assistant trainer is not to far off the mark for what I do as an ambassador. The difference would be dealing not only with the Outbound department at work but also the inbound department. I have already been approved by the building trainer Linda. She is going to send it up the pipe to Big Jim, her manager. SO it is a wait and see. It depends on if they can get the hours budgeted for such a position and a few other things. Any ways please keep me in your prayers. Thanks.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Lisa and Hunter

There was an expression that goes, "If I had know Grandkids were this much fun I would have had them first." It is called being an aunt/uncle. All the fun of being a grandparent with out the wait.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Memories are a funny thing. They can be fun sad and all points in between. Seeing a blue sky on a nice warm day can trigger a memory like sitting on a rock in the South Fork of the Yuba River. Sloshing around a gold pan trying to pick out rocks and trying to wash the gravel out of it till I get to the bottom of the pan. There you see black sand and if you have gotten the right dirt some flakes of gold or even a nugget.
Hearing a train can make me think of growing up close to tracks that you can here it clicking down the tracks and blowing a whistle because you have the window open to try and catch that cool evening breeze.
Hearing a train can make me think of growing up close to tracks that you can here it clicking down the tracks and blowing a whistle because you have the window open to try and catch that cool evening breeze.
Friday, April 11, 2008
What would I tell my kids
Was just thinking about advice I could give my kids if I had had any. I don't but maybe someone can benefit from this.
There will be times in your life when you will have friends who want to do something that you don't, like smoking pot or drinking or smoking or whatever. You can just say no. I know becasue I did. Once in 5th grade I had a chance to join in with some friends to smoke a joint but I just said no. We can make choices and if friends do not respect it then quit hanging around them. They did agree that they would not do that stuff around me and they kept their word. I will admit it was tough becuase I wanted to be cool and be liked but my values came first.
There will be times in your life when you will have friends who want to do something that you don't, like smoking pot or drinking or smoking or whatever. You can just say no. I know becasue I did. Once in 5th grade I had a chance to join in with some friends to smoke a joint but I just said no. We can make choices and if friends do not respect it then quit hanging around them. They did agree that they would not do that stuff around me and they kept their word. I will admit it was tough becuase I wanted to be cool and be liked but my values came first.
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