Monday, July 7, 2008

Clothes sizes

Well today was kind of a fun day. Lisa and I went with mom to do a little clothes shopping. It was moms birthday present to me since I have been working hard and dropping the pounds. It was such a cool feeling. I know I had lost a lot of weight, and Lisa has been doing good too she has lost 12 pounds. Well we found some good deals on shirts (THANKS MOM!!!) I even fit into a medium. Let me repeat that. IT WAS A MEDIUM!!! If you had asked me even back in march and April when I started the program if I would go down enough to fit in a medium I would have said I was happy if I could get into a large. I also picked up a new pair of church pants that were a 36 and a new dress shirt that was a 16 1/2. It was just a cool cool deal. Even when I was trying on some of the things at Moms I was amazed to look in a full length mirror and going, WOW! I just need to lose about 20-25 more lbs and I am gold.
I also remember a post that Cindy did that had her talking about getting the Cloth grocery bags in stead of using the Plastic or Paper. Well this morning Lisa and I were food shopping and decided to get three. They are bigger then I though they would be and held a lot. Plus when you shop using those bags they give you a discount. Also since it is just Lisa and I we do not need too many bags so it all works out. Any ways that is the news for the week.