Sunday, November 23, 2008

A test

Hi everyone. I was looking at another blog and they had a link to this civis test. It is only 33 questions but it would be interesting to see how people do on it. Would love to know. I scored an 84% on it. Here is the Link: Please let me know how you did.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yes we are still alive

Well It has been a long time since we have posted to this blog. Though Lets face it, Lisa and I live pretty dull lives. We work, we go to work out and occasionally will drive somewhere but nothing exiting, just a drive up to Virginia City.
As far as weight loss goes Lisa is Doing great. She went from a high if 145 lbs to a low right now of 123 lbs. Great Job Lisa! Work has been going good for her. She was getting nervous for a while because she was only working for about 12 hours a week but she is back to her 20 hour weeks so she is happy. Lisa has also been released from Nursery. It will be interesting to see what her next calling will be. She has been in Nursery in one ward or another for 12 years. I guess Relief Society has a calling for her but not sure what it is since they have not extended it to her yet.
I have pretty much reached a point where I am happy about where I am. I may or may not reach below 155 lbs but I have been maintaining a weight from about 160 - 165 so I am very happy. I can wear a size 34 pants. I do go to the Gym about 4 to five times a week. I can do 5 pull ups and about 3 reverse pull ups. My record on the treadmill last week was 31 minutes and 30 seconds. and I do a lot of weights. Though I do need to focus a little more on ab exercises but hey I have come a long way.
As far as work goes out the economy is starting to catch up to it. I have been working anywhere from 20 to 30 hours. Things have changed so much that we are staying in the same building and not upgrading to a larger building. They did not decide to do a night shift here so I will not be the Night Shift training manager and it has reached a point they are not even going to do like last year and run a shift to 10 pm. The plus side of all of this is Lisa and I payed the car off so no debts and even our Rent has gone down. It dropped 10 dollars. It was a complete shock to me.
Well that is our life.