Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Latest News

Hi one and all. I know we have not posted in a little while. Things have not been exciting that is why. This week and last week have been about the most exciting. Last week Lisa started to get more hours at work.I think she is up to a 25 hour work week so she is happy. She is a little confused right now becuase they are trying to finalize what her schedule will be and what she will be doing but she is working more hours. I say Hurray for Lisa!!!
As for myself work is still going. I am working about 38 hours a week. THey have made some changes at work that has effected me. Since AMazon is not so busy on the weekend they created a third shift. I was asked to be part of that shift so now I work Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This gives me Wednsday, Saturday and Sunday off. I look forward to it. It is a nice little change. I also recieved a surprise. I guess when you have worked for teh company for 5 years you get stock that is automatically vested. I recieved more then a few shares. I am leaving them alone though as much as I could think of a few things for LIsa and I. WEll that is all the news keep blogging so I can see what you all are up to.