Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Catch up

Hello everyone. I know it has been a while since I last posted anything. I guess there has not been a whole lot to talk about. I did turn 42 since last I wrote. It was a simple affair. I received 2 work shirts, two old Mel Brooks movies and enjoyed dinner out at the Grand Sierra (thanks Mom and Dad). I also wnat to thank Tamra for the birthday call. Lisa has been doing great. She still enjoys her work. This week she was able to get an extra day of work in. I guess they were having a Job Fair at her work. I was also released from my church calling as assistant Ward Clerk. I am now the Elders Quorum Secretary.
As far as work goes it has been so-so. I am so far the only one from RNO2 who has not been written up for anything. A few are on attendence probation some are on a Performance Improvment Plan, aka PIP. Does it mean I am better then they are? No! Just means I ahve been lucky to keep my numbers up and to try not to make mistakes in quality or attendence. But I have my own complaints. I have been stuck doing the same process since I arrived at RNO1. Stowing after a while is not fun. I like variety in jobs it helps keep me motivated. I have tried talking to three levels of managment and all I kep getting was the same song and dance of, "oh well get you trained." I am getting ready to turn in a transfer request to another departmant. I am looking at the Inventory department, Shipping and Picking departments. I have had people there that want me. So stay tuned maybe the next news will be I am in a new department.