Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Work Proposal

Well for those that read this blog I would like to request your prayers. I submitted a proposal to become an assistant trainer in the learning department at work. An assistant trainer is not to far off the mark for what I do as an ambassador. The difference would be dealing not only with the Outbound department at work but also the inbound department. I have already been approved by the building trainer Linda. She is going to send it up the pipe to Big Jim, her manager. SO it is a wait and see. It depends on if they can get the hours budgeted for such a position and a few other things. Any ways please keep me in your prayers. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lisa and Hunter

Well Lisa has been enjoying her time playing Auntie to Hunter. He is a real cute kid, as are all my nieces and nephews. I really want to thank Tamra for coming for a visit for the month. It has given Lisa and I a little time to spend with Hunter and watching him.

There was an expression that goes, "If I had know Grandkids were this much fun I would have had them first." It is called being an aunt/uncle. All the fun of being a grandparent with out the wait.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Memories are a funny thing. They can be fun sad and all points in between. Seeing a blue sky on a nice warm day can trigger a memory like sitting on a rock in the South Fork of the Yuba River. Sloshing around a gold pan trying to pick out rocks and trying to wash the gravel out of it till I get to the bottom of the pan. There you see black sand and if you have gotten the right dirt some flakes of gold or even a nugget.
Hearing a train can make me think of growing up close to tracks that you can here it clicking down the tracks and blowing a whistle because you have the window open to try and catch that cool evening breeze.