Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lisa and Hunter

Well Lisa has been enjoying her time playing Auntie to Hunter. He is a real cute kid, as are all my nieces and nephews. I really want to thank Tamra for coming for a visit for the month. It has given Lisa and I a little time to spend with Hunter and watching him.

There was an expression that goes, "If I had know Grandkids were this much fun I would have had them first." It is called being an aunt/uncle. All the fun of being a grandparent with out the wait.


kristin said...

What a cute picture! I'm glad you guys are getting to see them so much. I wish they would get back here so I could see them again! Congratulations for starting a blog! It's about time!

tamra said...

Hunter really enjoyed time with Uncle Brian and Aunt Lisa! Especially Uncle Brian making bird sounds. Very fun! We'll see you at Tahoe!