Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lisa's Test

Yesterday I took Lisa over to her Doctors office so she could get a test done. It was to see how her triglycerides were. The last time she had gone tot he doctor she had lost enough weight the her doctor wanted to see how she would do off of her medicine.
Well it worked. Lisa had a blood test yesterday and got her call back today telling her she was doing fine off the medicine her tri's were back to normal. Great Job Lisa. She is also down to 128 lbs so that is good. I am down to 159. This morning I maanged to do 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. My goal is 3 miles in 30 or less so just need to keep working at it.

1 comment:

tamra said...

HOORAY! keep up all the great work guys! I am thrilled for your quality of life! You are gaining years on your lives! GREAT JOB!