Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Odds & Ends

Hi all I know i has been a little while since I have posted. Lisa and I survived another Amazon peak. I include Lisa in that since she does not get to see me so much. The items that seemed to go out big was Hana Montana stuff, Elmo talking doll, Chou Chou Bottle feeding baby and a whole bunch of Rock band and Guitar Hero/Rock band Items, oh and I fogot the thousabds of Wiivfits we shippde out also. I did my usual great job as ambassador and grew to appreciate all the different people I worked with.
I also enjoyed getting to see how much the nephews and Niece have grown. I will try to keep up on the blogs so I can continue to see their growth. Lisa and I are looking forward to hopefully seeing some of the other neices and nephews in the coming year.
At work I had won some tickets to a movie called, "Seven Pounds." I am greatful to have won the tickets It gave Lisa and I something to do and hey I will never say no to a free movie. After saying all this the movie was depressing. It had some good parts but was weighed downby the begining which gives away the ending also. It is a man trying to make up for something he did which is a positive message. The problem is the way he goes about making up for that mistake. Not sure if anyone is going to see it but if not e-mail me at and I will fill you in a little more. It kept me watching which If I had to grade the move it would be 3 out of five stars. I can't wait to take Lisa to go see The day the Earth stood Still though. We will do that with the tickets we got from Scott and his family. Thanks Scott & Family. Till next time we love you all.

1 comment:

tamra said...

Hunter had a great time with you guys at Christmas! And we look forward to spending more time with you in 2009! Love you guys!