Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines day

Happy Valentines day everyone. I know it is mostly a commercial holiday . That is ok since I believe it takes just one day a year to celebrate our love for each other. That being said. Lisa and I gave each other a a card and later today we will go to Denny's where I will have a Grand Slam breakfast and Lisa will have whatever she wants. The Denny's tradition started our first year of our marriage. We wanted to go to this one restraunt but it was too crowded and after checking several others we ended up at Denny's and every V Day that is where Lisa and I go.
The Cards we gave each other were very funny. I would even say they were very well matched this year.
The one I gave Lisa said, "A Valentine for my wife", "Y'know. I've always admired that thing you do - that one special skill only you seem to have...I call it, the ability to put up with me."
The one Lisa gave me says, "Happy Valentine's Day to Brian, a husband who's loved for his kindness, good looks and intelligence...Oh, and ewirdness -- don't forget weirdness.
Hope these messages brought a as much a smile to your face as they did to Lisa and I

1 comment:

arg1959 said...

Your comments to each other were cute, sweet and entertaining - Dad