Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mothers Day Gathering

Today is Mothers Day and we had the first opportunity i a few months together as an extended family. It Was Reed and Barbara, CHase, Cindy and their Kids as well as Tamra, Bear and their kids. Lisa and I were also there. I guess I was still not a 100% there but it was good to see everyone.  Not a huge amount of interaction other than a welcome and I ended up eating at the kitchen counter since there was no room at either table. In hind sight I should have taken moms offer to have Lisa and I over on our next day off.
     Lisa did spend some time with Garrett playing Sorry. Reed and I talked about a few War Movies.  The rest of the time I was the silent observer I usually am.
     I will be glad when all of this is over but it will probably be a while before that happens. Covid-19 is not a fun one.  It has shown how divided we are becoming anymore. You can almost tell a persons political party just by how they talk about things related to it. If you are for lockdowns and paying people to stay home while businesses go under you may be a democrat. If you think we should just open up and let life carry on as normal you are a mean spirited Republican and put profit before peoples health.  It seems there is no middle ground and no one can be happy.  THere are also 2 phrases that I admit to being tired of hearing.  The first is. Abundance of Caution the second is Essential Worker.  An Essential Worker is someone like. First Responders, Cops EMT's Fore Department,. Another Group are those in the medical profession at any level. The last group are those in Grocery/retail.  I work at Walmart and it is considered an essential business so we have stayed open.  I admit to being nervous at fort now I am just tired and feel like the mask I have to wear is a burden to wear hot and sweaty with glasses fogging.
     Part of me wanted to stay home but that is not an option. That is the biggest challenge this whole thing has exposed. Issues of how is a business going to run when it is not making money? How long will this virus last? How long before I lose my collective mind doing nothing but going to work and then coming home and sleeping.
     Need a vacation when I get home but I am saving up my vacation time incase they decide to get the surgery in for my heart.  Getting tired of that and not building up any vacation to do something fun.  It seems it always goes to cover my medical needs.

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