Friday, June 27, 2008

Great News

Let me start this post with a few comments. The first one is. I love Lisa and I am grateful that she is back. She had a great time visiting with the kids and just had an overall wonderful experience. I am grateful the Lord has blessed me with such a wonderful companion to share eternity with. I am also grateful for the Lords infinite mercy towards me. I have had so many wonderful blessings lately. I have already mentioned one. I have had many small miracles in my life.
With that in mind let me share with you a little news. Back in May I had submitted an idea for being a shadow to Linda, who is the learning manager for our warehouse. I did learn that the idea had been rejected, at that time. Well Big Jim revisited the idea because with Amazon's Christmas peak right around the corner, The receiving and stowing departments starts in September and a high projection for number of units shipped out. I Will become Linda's shadow for a little and then I am going to become the Learning Manager for the Night Shift. All of the particulars have yet to be worked out but Linda and Big Jim are on board with it so that is all that maters.
As a littel side note I am now down to 166 lbs!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Doctors Visit

Well just got back from doctors visit. Dr johnson was very happy about my progress. I have lost a total of 40lbs!!! I am at a 28% BMI and he is very happy. I was put up on his weight loss board. I am in 3rd place for most weight lost. On the other side of the coin I failed a test and will need to go get a colonoscopy, YEA (in a very sarcastic tone).but hopefully nothing serious.
Today I went to the gym feeling reved up after the docs congratulations and did a mile in 11 minutes 15 seconds!!! And if my wife sees this before she gets home I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU! I at least will have one surprise when she gets home. Was going to shave my hair off but In resisted. What is it with me and wanting to shave my hair? Is it becuase I am loosing weight and trying to remake myslef in a newer image? Oh well I will leave that to the philosiphers and head shrinks to figure out. B OUT.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Weight Loss Program

Well you ahve all seen the before and after photos. This picture was taken on June 15th. I started the Program on March 15th at 213 lbs, whished I would have taken a shot of the scale then but you saw the shaorts so that works. Well tht means since March 15th I have lost (drum roll please)...44 LBS!!! I admit I was going sceptical but I followed the program and not only that I am down to a size 36 waist. Here is praying I can keep it off.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Brian 2.0

The first picture is from a trip we had taken to Park City Utah. It represents pretty much my weight for the past year. I had gone to the Doctors office in March 11th and at the time I weighed 213 lbs. I am sure I was in that neighborhood when I was in Park City.
While I was at the Doctors office I was told about a "program" that could help me lose weight. I admit I was a little sceptical. At the time I had been in the doctor for pain in my knee and foot which was getting to be a little too common for me. I was coming home from work very tired and limping along. At that point I was willing to give it a try. It is a program put out by Isagenix, you can google it if you are curious, that was based on nutritional cleansing. It also involved not eating any of the Junk I use to eat and putting a little more fruits veggies and other more healthy snack choices. Lisa and I also joind a gym. We go about at least 3 times a week if not more.
The result is since March 11, 2008 I have gone from 213 lbs to 170 lbs. I ahve also gone from wearing a size 42 pants to almost getting into a 36. I have about 2 weeks left and could get to my goal of 165. At that point I want to do everything I can to maintain that weight.
The first picture shows me in my 42 inch wasit pants, The second picture shows the amount of weight I have taken off and the last one is me in a size 38, even these are loose on me. In my picture folder I have this titled, "my new look".
Everyone has noticed how much thinner I look and I have been a lot more energized. So enjoy the look. I was going to wait to show off the new look but I just could not wait.

Monday, June 2, 2008

News of the day

Well last week I found out that my proposal was denied. Oh well will try again later since we are growing in our little warehouse. Went to the dentist for my cleaning and I had two wisdom teeth that were never removed. Well they were impacted so they said I needed to have them yanked. Not fun but it was quick and mostly painless. Starting to be sore now but not too bad. Going to lose a pound or two since no solid for 24 hours only liquids. I guess for me that is not a bad thing though.

Lisa ahd a good time going clothes shopping with mom. It was part of Lisa's Birthday present. Mom also helped Lisa clean her closet out and all I can say is, "WOW!" It looks good. Thanks mom for helping Lisa with that.