Monday, June 16, 2008

Weight Loss Program

Well you ahve all seen the before and after photos. This picture was taken on June 15th. I started the Program on March 15th at 213 lbs, whished I would have taken a shot of the scale then but you saw the shaorts so that works. Well tht means since March 15th I have lost (drum roll please)...44 LBS!!! I admit I was going sceptical but I followed the program and not only that I am down to a size 36 waist. Here is praying I can keep it off.


Anonymous said...

Great job! You can do it Brian!!!! Oh by the way, Lisa has done a great job taking a little weight off as well. We're proud of both of you!
-mom & dad

tamra said...

Great job to the Dobkins! Combined I wonder if its over 50 lbs?? Great job to you both!