Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Test Results

Hi everyone and welcome to my humble little hovel. Well in the past two weeks I have gone through three medical tests. They were not bad tests 2 were easy the third easy except for the prep work the day before.
Well let me get the first test out of the way. That was the one I did this morning. The colonoscopy went great no signs of trouble and doc said to jsut come back in five years for another. YEA!
The second and third test were done last tuesday. The First test was the eckocardiogram. The news on that was there was no issues in fact nothing has changed in the two years since I had my last one so I guess I get taht one in another 2 years. Another, "YEA!"
Thje third test took a little longer. It was right after the echo. They hooked my up with five monitering patches with wired and I had to wear for 24 hours a Holter (or portable EKG machine. It is not the most comfortable thing to wear but oh well I managed to live with it. I did my normal routine around the house and going to work out. Was afraid that when I was sweating the patches would fall off but the held on real good. I guess it is some kind of sticky stuff that is just a step below superglue becuase I was able to remove it from myself with little or no pain a all. The results from this test were there have been changes since two years ago. I guess my heart is slowing down with age. befoer we I had these tests my Cardio Doc was talking about me maybe switching to one year apart visits but when the relutls for the second test came back she decided 6 months would be a better idea. I guess compared tot he one I took two years ago there was enough of a difference to warrent this action. To give you an idea the normal resting heart rate for most people is between 55 and 60. Well I guess mine averaged about 42 and there have been a few times it dipped below 40. When I was doing the Echo it dropped to 39 twice and this morning at my other test they clocked a 38 at one point.
There is good news from this. I do not feignt or get dizzy spells so that is good news. I know I do get tired. You all have seen how quick I can dose anytime anywhere. but somewhere down the line I will need a pace maker. It is no longer a metter of if, but when.
Lisa is Happy she is back to working her 20 hors per week and today she started her new time change which is 12 pm to 4 pm. She likes that better. Enjoy

1 comment:

tamra said...

glad your tests went well. i'm glad they are keeping an eye on your slow heart rate. all the doctors must be happy to see all the weight you have lost. keep up the great work Brian!