Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I just came home from work. We recieved news that the warehouse I am in is being shut down. It does not mean I will be losing a job but it does mean a longer cummute. I will be allowed to transfer to the Fernley plant. Not sure of where I will be put. The only thing I can be sure of is I will get the shift of Wed - Sat. The warehouse we were in was just not big enough and Amazon found a warehouse in Pheonix that was bigger then ours. Our wharehouse is only about 300,000 square feet. There were a lot of tears shed at the announcment. Some will be losing there status as lower managment. In my case I will be getting a raise since Fernley pays a higher rate then our Reno warehouse did. Some will quit becuase they do not like Fernley. I will try to be positive that I did not lose my job since the unemployment rate around here is 11%. They also set it up so people could transfer to any warehouse in the US. Pheonix sounded a little too hot for me. Also with Lisa she has a job even if it is only 8 hours a week. Other wise Dallas or one of the Kentucky would have been a good deal. Well that is the news sorry if it seems scattered. The news was a bit of a blow.


kristin said...

How far of a commute is Fernley? That's nice that they do have other places to transfer you to.

Mom said...

They are lucky to be able to keep you! Hang in there.

tamra said...

I am glad you are able to keep your job!! It is so difficult right now to get a job if you are unemployed!! And we don't want you in Dallas or Kentucky!! Arizona would be better, its much closer!!!!! Of course, 1/2 your income would go to pay for air conditioning!!