Friday, June 26, 2009

First Month at Fernley

Hi all. Sorry it has been a little while since my last post. The computer is starting to show it's age but so far I seem to have fixed it.
It has been almost a month since I have started a Fernley on the night shift so I though I would give a little bit of an update on that. I will start off by saying the first two weeks were a bit rough. It was more a matter of getting use to doing things the Fernley way as apposed to how things were done at the Red Rock FC. So had I tried to write anything about what it was like it would have been a negative review and not very balanced.
It was not major things that got me in trouble it was little things. Trying to reember to use my bin marker when I was stowing so I knew which bin I was stowing to. You have to have knee pads if youa re going to be resting on one knee when stowing to the bottom shelf and my two favorites, and this is becuase I am not tall, I can only stack totes two high instead of three so I can see where I am pushing (I can see over them but the top of the last tote has to be at the sholder even though I could see over the top of a three stack) and I need to use a step stool to stow on the top shelf. So I would say my first two weeks were not happy moments since I never really had those issues in Red Rock.
A month has gone by and I feel I can give it a little better porspective. I adopted to night shift a lot better. I even like it more then day's. I seem to sleep better and am not so tired by the end of shift like I was at Red Rock. The work is a a lot lighter there. The totes are not allowed to be over 23 lbs which is light for me. You do have to do more here since what they lack in Weight the make up for in volume. I need to be able to stown 220 units an hour and I am close to that now. I stow about 195 units so just need to get that last little bit in. I am also starting to get to know the people a little more. Most of them have eben really good at helping me feel welcome over there. We do have one "Interesting" person on my shift. Melinda is "her" name. I guess she use to be a he but had the surgery to change her. It was the adams apple that was the give away. Still trying to get to know the managers. One is a gent by the name of Dan and so far he seems pretty good. The other is Geir (pronounced gear) he is the one that seemed to always be walking by and helping "correct" my bad habits. Still getting to know him and I will not use his correction as a negative against him.
In other news I am having a great time getting to hang with Cade, Cael, Hunter and Meron. Cade has sure grwon as well as the others. Cael calls me his Best buddy. I try not to say good bye around Hunter becasue for some reason he starts crying when he knows I am leaving. Meron is a littl sweet heart. She crawls from the dining room to come over to me. She like it when I bounce her on my knee and sing to her. She even claps and it is just too darn cute.
Lisa is enjoying her new schedule. She is working Monday Wednsday, Friday and Saturday. It gives us some time together still so that a plus even if it is a little different since even on my days off I go to bed by about 3:30 to 5:30 in the morning. No sence messing with my internal clock since I am on this new schedule. Hope everyone is doing well. Brian out.

1 comment:

kristin said...

it's good to hear what going on with you guys. i'm glad to know that you are adjusting to all the changes with the new job.