Monday, November 29, 2010


I am just posting a little random thought not sure if anyone will read it. I have had some challenges with patience lately. Work has been running rough for me and I know Lisa is having some challenges too.
You see we both want more time together but it seems we are being driven apart by our jobs. I work nights so enough said about how that goes. Lisa has been facing the challenge of having more then one manager making the schedule. So each week it has been a head ache for her knowing what she will be working. One week she works 4 days one night next week it is all nights and even the nights she works is different one week from the next. The other part she hates is that her days off tend to be Friday and Saturday which leaves hardly anytime for us.
I know it is only temporary but I hate not having her around. Lisa is the love of my llife and not having her there really stinks.

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