Monday, June 9, 2014

Small Miracles

     Today was Stake Conference and we had an Area Authority visiting.  It is sad that for the life of me I cannot remember his name but he did have a very commanding presence.
     The meeting started off with the release of President Stauss who was 1st Councelor and then President Sommers went from 2nd to 1st Counselor.  They then called a new 2nd.  His Name is Martin Mueller. 
     President Johnson Talked about church funds and the various categories and how they are blessing people.  There were some testimonies give by The Temple and Mission Presidents and their wives. The last talk was given by Elder (I want to say Hansen).  He talked about many different things but the thing that caught me was the last part.  He was offering a blessing to those that would take the time to read from the scriptures blessings that would help each of in our own way.
     The thing I wanted to bring up was this.  When I got up Sunday morning  my plantar fasciitis was hurting like crazy.  When I was at the meeting it stopped hurting and I was able to concentrate on the talks.  I was also not sleepy which usually I dose.  To me these are small miracles.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Catch up

     I forgot to write again to tell you how Sunday School Class went.  It went very well in spite of me,  I stumbled the first little bit but I managed to figure away around to get a great lesson. I had them look for scriptures that matched the title of the lesson and everyone found some really good scriptures.
     During Sacrament a few of them got up and bore their testimonies.  It was T*m, J***, S*****r and D***e.  D***e is not yet in my class since he is taking the new member discussions but he will be in there.  My heart ached for Sp****r he has a little bit of a fear of speaking in public but he was able to share his testimony even though he was breathing hard and I was not sure if he was going to hyperventilate.
     I still struggle with my eating habits which I am trying to change for the better.  I have my good days and my bad days.  I do work out good I just need to get my eating into line.  Well I wish you all a good night.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Small World

The Church I belong to, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, makes the World a smaller place.  A couple of Sundays ago I found out three of my Sunday School Students were from Kansas.  It made me wonder if they knew any of my in-laws that lived there.  I asked Joe if he remembered the last names and sure enough he did.  He had the Oldest kid there that was not in my class and who is now serving a mission but I am going to ask two of them if they ever had a chance to meet J.  That is my Positive post for this morning.  If all goes well in class today I will Post a follow up.