Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Catch up

     I forgot to write again to tell you how Sunday School Class went.  It went very well in spite of me,  I stumbled the first little bit but I managed to figure away around to get a great lesson. I had them look for scriptures that matched the title of the lesson and everyone found some really good scriptures.
     During Sacrament a few of them got up and bore their testimonies.  It was T*m, J***, S*****r and D***e.  D***e is not yet in my class since he is taking the new member discussions but he will be in there.  My heart ached for Sp****r he has a little bit of a fear of speaking in public but he was able to share his testimony even though he was breathing hard and I was not sure if he was going to hyperventilate.
     I still struggle with my eating habits which I am trying to change for the better.  I have my good days and my bad days.  I do work out good I just need to get my eating into line.  Well I wish you all a good night.

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