Monday, June 2, 2008

News of the day

Well last week I found out that my proposal was denied. Oh well will try again later since we are growing in our little warehouse. Went to the dentist for my cleaning and I had two wisdom teeth that were never removed. Well they were impacted so they said I needed to have them yanked. Not fun but it was quick and mostly painless. Starting to be sore now but not too bad. Going to lose a pound or two since no solid for 24 hours only liquids. I guess for me that is not a bad thing though.

Lisa ahd a good time going clothes shopping with mom. It was part of Lisa's Birthday present. Mom also helped Lisa clean her closet out and all I can say is, "WOW!" It looks good. Thanks mom for helping Lisa with that.


Barbara and Reed said...

Look out Brian.......if you want, your closet is next!

tamra said...

Sounds like a good offer from Mom... you might want to take her up on that!!!! See you guys soon!