Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day 21 of 30

WEll I have been doing well on the 30 day challenge. I am finding reading the Book of Mormon has been helpful. The daily walks are something I sometimes look forward to and other times I dread but I do them anyways. The Last Part is Soda and it is a challenge. Sometimes I want that caffeine fix to wake me up.

Our Ward has changed it's schedule. We now meet at 12 noon. I wasn't sure what to think but looking at it now it has worked out good this first day. WE held our 5th Sunday meeting in the Chapel which accommodated our ward. In that meeting a member of the stake presidency talked about a New Paradigm but it is not really new. It is about not putting all the pressure on the Bishop. The Bishop has a few things they are responsible for. The Young men and Young Women, being a judge in Israel providing for the temporal needs of the ward. Everything else needs to be handled by the Elders Quorum and Relief Society.

Talked to Reed and Barbara today a little about the higher cost health insurance work has. Guess it has to do with maybe getting my right ear fixed. It has a hole in it that has needed to be fixed since I was at least 13 years of age. Sometimes they have said they could fix it sometimes no they couldn't. Medicine has changed so much this would be an outpatient surgery. Go in the morning and be out by afternoon. Well good night.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Day 14 of 30 day Challenge

Today I had another day without Soda, Read from the scriptures and to make up for yesterday I ended up doing a two mile walk. I will take it as a win that I walked an extra mile though to make up for yesterday and to not beat myself up. That is a challenge I have trying to build myself up and not put myself down like I usually do.

Did Make it through Sacrament meeting. We had two speakers from the High Council speak. They were both about developing Faith in Jesus Christ. Brother Johnson Was the one I seemed to understand a little more. He grew up in South Georgia as the only LDS member in his high school. Georgia along with a lot of the south is part of the Bible belt were people believe strongly about Jesus even if they have different ways of expressing it.  HE talked about his own growth in learning about developing Faith in Christ and I can relate. Some times my faith is stronger than other times but I do my best to try to give thanks for what I do have. Good Night.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day 13 of 30

I missed posting for a few days but thought i would catch you up. Day 11 and 12 I was spot on as Usual on my 3 Challenges. Walking, Reading, and No Soda.  Today is Day 13 and I fell of the Wagon as far as walking went. I still managed to read as well as no Soda.  Dr Pepper Looked awfully good today.

It has been a little bit of a family reunion on Lisa's side. We visited the Bike park here in Draper for a bit.  EVery one broke off into different things after that. Lisa and I came home so we could have a little bite to eat before heading up for dinner. Some went hiking to a bridge. After that the whole clan gathered for a BBQ at the In Laws. We had Burgers, Hot Dogs, Beans, Veggies and what not. After that we went down the hill a little to get a Family Picture. Lisa and I were even able to do a Family picture. I look forward to seeing the results. Tamra's Husband Berry took the pictures. He is a Commercial Photographer by trade so the pictures will loo good for sure. Well good night.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Day 10 of 30

Made it a third of the way into my 30 day challenge. Just need to read my scriptures before I go to bed. No Soda and a mile walk in the books.  I have to say those are hard but easy at the same time.  I am getting sleepy at work and my favorite way to get caffeine is through soda.  I also notice my legs have been bugging a little in the calves. Trying to remember to up my water intake to help with that.See what my weight is in the morning.  Have a great evening.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Day 9 of 30 day challenge

OK made it through day 9 with all three goals met.  It was not really too bad a day at work so I was Happy. I just need to get through the next two then I have 5 days off. YEA!!!

Was glad Marge came back. She had surgery to replace a hip.  Other wise there is nothing else really to talk about. Have a good evening.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Day 8 of 30 Day Challenge.

Managed another day of Reading Scriptures, Taking a Mile Walk and no SOda.

It can sometimes be the small things that lead to great things.  Each Battle won is something to feel accomplished about. I am also trying to think about what my next 30 day challenge will be.  More Vegetables would not be a bad thing. Maybe up my walk to 1.5 miles.  Still thinking about that so I will let you know when I get closer.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Day 7 of 30 day challenge

It is a Sunday and it was a little harder to get in the 1 mile walk but I did. It was also Another day with out Soda in my life. This is kind of important since one of the CSMs was talking about some surgeries she is getting and it was because she drank Dr Pepper every day for 25 years.  The Last one was for the Scriptures. Easy to do on Sundays because it is the Sabbath and at some point you will need to read from them.

Speaking of Sundays. It looks like our ward, Draper 9th, will be moving to a 12 pm meeting time. I think it is so we have more meeting space for the Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society meetings to have room.  The ward is more Adult oriented and we have over 100 Priesthood men in attendance and probably about the same number of sisters if not more.  Not sure if it would happen but we could easily have two Elders Quorums but with our current schedule it would be hard to pull but with more rooms open since we are the last ward with no over lap we could have 2 different rooms. I am also excited. I have been blessed to have Brother Riddle as my minister.  It will be humbling to have him.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Day 6 of 30 day Challenge

Spot on for all 3 of the things I challenged myself on. No Soda Read the scriptures and walked a mile. See how tomorrow and Monday go since I am off. Good Night

Friday, June 14, 2019

Day 5 of 30 day challenge

Ok another day with out Soda.  I also read from the scriptures as well as doing my 1 mile walk.  The right knee was a little sore but not as bad as it could have been,

Work was so so. having some issues that make me question how much longer I can work at the service desk.  After an incident there I started getting anxiety which I hate.  The funny thing about anxiety is it is your mind blowing things out of proportion.  I see a lot of stuff that needs to be cleaned and I feel like I can't get to it all and that will mean I have failed.  Even though I was able to get food and General Merchandise Claims back to the claims department. I was also able to clean up the go backs except for clothes. Any ways good night.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Official day 4 of 30 day Challenge.

Since I messed up on my count yesterday was day three today is day 4.  I skipped Soda, Walked my mile and read from the scriptures.

Had a lot on my mind today. Not going to write about it but I will put up a quote from Rod Fuhriman. I served in the same mission and he was in my first district even though he had a different companion. this is the quote  "You are a good man, Brian. I saw something in you some 30+ years ago as a missionary in Fallbrook, CA that inspired me to be a better person, more humble and more faithful. Keep your chin up my friend, you are worth more than you can possibly imagine"

Our faith does need to change as we grow older. We have to continually nurture it because otherwise it fades.

Another thought was from a talk by President Nelson. It described the Greek new testament word for repentance. Metanoeo. The prefix meta means change and the suffix noeo means mind knowledge/mind/spirit or breath. A bit more eye opening when I read that. It gave me a different perspective on why I repent. It is to change me, and by changing me making me better.  Any ways good night.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Day 4 of 30 day Challenge

Ok no soda, walked my mile, and read the scriptures. All before I started work. I decided it might be a better idea to not do it when I get home from work but in the morning when I am not as beat up.  Customers were mostly behaved at work today which is a good thing.  I have someone who wanted to join me in the 30 day challenge.  Might have to send her a reminder.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Day 2 of 30 day Challenge.

OK. It is Day 2 of my 30 Day Challenge.  I forgot to post a weigh in yesterday to see if it would make a difference by not drinking Soda. Currently at 211 lbs.
Did I make it with out drinking soda? Check.  Did I do my one mile walk? Check. Yes I did read my scriptures also.
Did have a little bit of a head ache and I was also tempted to get a coke because I was so tired but I avoided it. Any ways that is my report for today.

Monday, June 10, 2019

30 day challenge.

OK. Sometimes you need to take a step bake and see how you can make a few tweaks to your life for better results.  I am in that position right now.
I have given myself a 30 day challenge that includes a few tweaks.
1. No soda for 30 days.
2. One mile brisk walk daily.
3. Try to be consistent in my scripture reading.
There are other things I could focus on but these are the big 3 I want to try for thirty days. I am counting today as the start date even though yesterday I stopped the soda. This counts as 2 days with out Soda. I did do a mile walk today also. Scriptures I will read tonight before I go to bed. I will count this as a successful day today and I can say I accomplished something.
There are also some other things I have done today. I did go through a lot of stuff to trash or otherwise put in a proper place.  I did brush my teeth which is not always an easy thing for me to remeber to do today and I also worked out besides the walk I did. Eating still needs a little work though but that is a side issue.