Monday, June 10, 2019

30 day challenge.

OK. Sometimes you need to take a step bake and see how you can make a few tweaks to your life for better results.  I am in that position right now.
I have given myself a 30 day challenge that includes a few tweaks.
1. No soda for 30 days.
2. One mile brisk walk daily.
3. Try to be consistent in my scripture reading.
There are other things I could focus on but these are the big 3 I want to try for thirty days. I am counting today as the start date even though yesterday I stopped the soda. This counts as 2 days with out Soda. I did do a mile walk today also. Scriptures I will read tonight before I go to bed. I will count this as a successful day today and I can say I accomplished something.
There are also some other things I have done today. I did go through a lot of stuff to trash or otherwise put in a proper place.  I did brush my teeth which is not always an easy thing for me to remeber to do today and I also worked out besides the walk I did. Eating still needs a little work though but that is a side issue.

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