Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day 13 of 30

I missed posting for a few days but thought i would catch you up. Day 11 and 12 I was spot on as Usual on my 3 Challenges. Walking, Reading, and No Soda.  Today is Day 13 and I fell of the Wagon as far as walking went. I still managed to read as well as no Soda.  Dr Pepper Looked awfully good today.

It has been a little bit of a family reunion on Lisa's side. We visited the Bike park here in Draper for a bit.  EVery one broke off into different things after that. Lisa and I came home so we could have a little bite to eat before heading up for dinner. Some went hiking to a bridge. After that the whole clan gathered for a BBQ at the In Laws. We had Burgers, Hot Dogs, Beans, Veggies and what not. After that we went down the hill a little to get a Family Picture. Lisa and I were even able to do a Family picture. I look forward to seeing the results. Tamra's Husband Berry took the pictures. He is a Commercial Photographer by trade so the pictures will loo good for sure. Well good night.

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