Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day 21 of 30

WEll I have been doing well on the 30 day challenge. I am finding reading the Book of Mormon has been helpful. The daily walks are something I sometimes look forward to and other times I dread but I do them anyways. The Last Part is Soda and it is a challenge. Sometimes I want that caffeine fix to wake me up.

Our Ward has changed it's schedule. We now meet at 12 noon. I wasn't sure what to think but looking at it now it has worked out good this first day. WE held our 5th Sunday meeting in the Chapel which accommodated our ward. In that meeting a member of the stake presidency talked about a New Paradigm but it is not really new. It is about not putting all the pressure on the Bishop. The Bishop has a few things they are responsible for. The Young men and Young Women, being a judge in Israel providing for the temporal needs of the ward. Everything else needs to be handled by the Elders Quorum and Relief Society.

Talked to Reed and Barbara today a little about the higher cost health insurance work has. Guess it has to do with maybe getting my right ear fixed. It has a hole in it that has needed to be fixed since I was at least 13 years of age. Sometimes they have said they could fix it sometimes no they couldn't. Medicine has changed so much this would be an outpatient surgery. Go in the morning and be out by afternoon. Well good night.

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