Thursday, June 13, 2019

Official day 4 of 30 day Challenge.

Since I messed up on my count yesterday was day three today is day 4.  I skipped Soda, Walked my mile and read from the scriptures.

Had a lot on my mind today. Not going to write about it but I will put up a quote from Rod Fuhriman. I served in the same mission and he was in my first district even though he had a different companion. this is the quote  "You are a good man, Brian. I saw something in you some 30+ years ago as a missionary in Fallbrook, CA that inspired me to be a better person, more humble and more faithful. Keep your chin up my friend, you are worth more than you can possibly imagine"

Our faith does need to change as we grow older. We have to continually nurture it because otherwise it fades.

Another thought was from a talk by President Nelson. It described the Greek new testament word for repentance. Metanoeo. The prefix meta means change and the suffix noeo means mind knowledge/mind/spirit or breath. A bit more eye opening when I read that. It gave me a different perspective on why I repent. It is to change me, and by changing me making me better.  Any ways good night.

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